
At the port of Nice, a bright apartment with Italian flair has been redesigned by the founding duo of Studio Lelaz.

Marion Lepetit, Erkan Varer et leur fille Raphaëlle chez eux à Nice


Marion Lepetit, Erkan Varer and Raphaëlle, 6 months old

The striped canvas blinds, slightly bleached by the sun, flap gently in the breeze. Just below, the 'pointus', the pride of Nice with their pointed sterns, respond by bumping gently into each other in the sunshine. Light floods in everywhere in this typically pastel-coloured building in Nice. That's what first attracted the architect couple who founded Studio Lelaz. Not to mention the hint of Northern Italy in the materials and layout of this family apartment overlooking the port of Nice. When Marion Lepetit left Paris for the south of France, she had imagined creating a world of whitewashed walls and wooden furniture. But she hadn't taken into account the local colours. Five years on, she says they still inspire her more than ever. Partnership, moving house, new discoveries - the duo have changed their lives in the space of a year, and that's what piqued the curiosity of The Socialite Family. We met them at their home over a breakfast of brioche with a fine sea view.




Elsa Cau

Photos and videos

Valerio Geraci, Carine Bouhier

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

Everywhere in Nice, the architecture blends French and Italian influences so characteristic of the Côte d'Azur..

L'immeuble niçois abritant l'appartement des cofondateurs du Studio Lelaz

And the colours are not just on the façades. Many buildings conceal spectacular entrance halls.

Studio-Lelaz vue
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, le salon avec vue mer
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

On the dining table, designed by Studio Lelaz, a pair of vases by Eva K. Richard.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, le salon avec vue mer
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

On a shelf in the living room, vintage ceramics and a vase by Inès Angelini, aka Umami, whom we had also interviewed with her family...

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, le salon avec vue mer

Leaning in a corner of the living room, a vintage Ultrafragola mirror by Ettore Sottsass.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, le salon avec vue mer
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

On a shelf in the living room, vintage ceramics and a vase by Inès Angelini, aka Umami, whom we had also interviewed with her family...

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, le salon avec vue mer

Leaning in a corner of the living room, a vintage Ultrafragola mirror by Ettore Sottsass.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, le salon avec vue mer
Marion Lepetit, Erkan Varer et leur fille Raphaëlle chez eux à Nice


Marion, Erkan, who are you?


I'm 36, an interior designer and the father of little Raphaëlle, who is now almost 7 months old. We're really happy.


I'm 35... and I feel the same! We set up our agency together. We've been living in the south for five years. We were in Paris before that. Me, for 10 to 13 years; I'm from Normandy.


Can you both tell us about your background, please?


I wanted to be a graphic designer. I switched over to photography. That was before I got interested in design... and moved on to interior design. Marion and I studied at the same place, but we don't have the same skills at all!


Esam Design is the modern art and design school in the 17th arrondissement of Paris. It's a private institution but is recognised by the CFAI (French Council of Interior Architects). We were two years apart.


I was on a work-based learning course and worked in events and hotel design agencies like Les Deux Ailes (since renamed Girós & Coutellier). I also worked with Fabien van......'s agency; he was something of a mentor to me. Marion and I have also worked on TV sets.


In fact, we met on a set...


A floral set.


So, your paths didn't cross at ESAM?


Yes, but he didn't notice me (laughs). We met when I was getting my degree. We had a design teacher who was one of the most interesting people I ever met, Marianne Guedin. She's a scenographer working with plants, and I did my work-based learning placement with her. At the end of the year, she put us... on a set that had to be created for the reality show Secret Story! But Erkan and I met on the Monumenta set, which I was creating as part of my training with Marianne Guedin.


Why do you say you don't have the same skills?


Erkan has built his career in interior design and luxury goods. As for me, I got the same degree, but I concentrated on the decor. Then I moved on to Inès de la Fressange, where I designed lifestyle products: perfumed candles, scarves, motifs and patterns, etc. It was interesting, but it wasn't what I was looking for - fashion. And we both ended up saying, well, here we are. This time, it was sets for the TV, and we had to do 120 of them in two months. We also did sets for music videos, luxury homes, shop windows, launches, dinners... It was an amazing experience. So I branched out into set design with Atelier LUM, a really cool and creative events agency in Paris.


When and how did you decide to join forces?


I decided to stop working on events. The pace was so hectic, and I also wanted to get back to my first love, interior design. I think it was about that time some friends asked us to do an apartment for them. We officially joined forces in July 2019: we've just celebrated our fifth anniversary!


When we started out, we worked on small apartment projects as part of our daily lives. But there comes a time when you have to make a decision... I started out as a freelancer. I wanted to set up a company, and I wanted to set it up with you. I suggested it, you hesitated, and, finally you agreed.


Erkan is a great entrepreneur. I was on a permanent contract, and I tend to look for security... I was a bit scared of jumping into the same boat.


So far, we're very happy with our choices. And then in 2019, we said to ourselves, who knows why: either we stay in Paris, or we leave it all behind.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

Parentesi floor lamp by Achille Castiglioni and Pio Manzù for Flos, Gueden chairs, Cab Cassina armchair, drawing by Charlotte Colt, and green USM modular furniture: eclecticism reigns here!

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

On the wall, a painting after Fernand Léger and a portrait of Marion by Charlotte Colt.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

Among the vintage objects, three carafes by Marianne Guedin.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

"Les Siciliennes" lamp published by Studio Lelaz.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

Parentesi floor lamp by Achille Castiglioni and Pio Manzù for Flos, Gueden chairs, Cab Cassina armchair, drawing by Charlotte Colt, and green USM modular furniture: eclecticism reigns here!

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

On the wall, a painting after Fernand Léger and a portrait of Marion by Charlotte Colt.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

Among the vintage objects, three carafes by Marianne Guedin.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

"Les Siciliennes" lamp published by Studio Lelaz.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

our vision has evolved over the years: we're looking for customers who appreciate the authenticity, the craftsmanship, and the handmade aspect that we value in luxury. Maybe it's a generational thing...

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice


Change of life, change of place, change of work... You did it all at once, you might say.


Give or take six months!


It all got a bit mixed up. At first, it was: Come on, let's set up a business. A friend of ours had a space in his office and offered to sublet it... And that's when we started asking ourselves a lot of questions. In the end, we said to ourselves: we're going to leave Paris, and we're going to do this somewhere else.


Why leave Paris?


I've wanted to leave Paris since I was 20!


For my part, it took me a long time. I loved my life in Paris, and I couldn't see myself leaving for the south.


Because right away, the decision was the south or nothing?


Not necessarily: it could as easily be an hour away or eight hours from Paris!


I even talked about Australia.


And then you have to put things in context: leaving Paris before lockdown wasn't exactly fashionable... Everyone looked at us in amazement, wondering what we were going to do...


We used to come here every summer, not to Nice, but to Cannes, where my father has a house. We said to ourselves: let's start with a town by the sea, and we'll see later if we want to go further inland. In 2020, as luck would have it, we were in lockdown at my father's house.


We'd left Paris just before, so we moved almost at the same time as the lockdown without realising it. We thought we'd have a place to stay until we found something.


We quickly settled on Nice, but not the port area, because we thought it would be too expensive for us. And then we found this apartment which we love, but which we rent - we can't afford to buy it!


The neighbourhood is great, it's the antiques district, and our office is right next door. We're sharing it with artist Charlotte Colt. And in the space of a few years, Nice has really moved forward and become more dynamic.


Did leaving Paris allow you to work better?


In any case, it makes you feel less like part of the masses. Even our vision of luxury has evolved over the years: we're looking for customers who appreciate the authenticity, the craftsmanship, and the handmade aspect that we value in luxury. Maybe it's a generational thing...


It's also easier in the south to work with craftspeople, and to go and see them.


What sort of environment did you grow up in, and how did it influence your tastes?


I was born in Istanbul, and we moved to the Paris suburbs of France when I was just over a year old. My father is a former revolutionary communist... Our home wasn't exactly the centre of attention. I'd describe it as empty (laughs), in any case, without any specific kind of decor. My parents split up and my brothers and sister and I moved around a lot in Paris, Montpellier, Saint-Mandé, Vincennes... and Nice. We were a close-knit family, all the same. And we returned to Turkey every summer. My mother is Turkish-Armenian. It was my sister who got me interested in design. Because I was a bit at a loss. Like a lot of people, I went to Australia to be somewhere other than France. When I came back, my father said to me: It would be a good idea for you to go back to school, because you don't know where you're going! But it's true that craft and design have always interested me.


I grew up in Normandy. My parents are still together, and I was brought up in a big house with a fairly classical décor. My mother took great care with the interior, and it was always beautifully decorated. I wasn't brought up with a particular culture of design or architecture. On the other hand, my grandmother had an apartment full of fringes and braids and tassels: I've always loved that attention to detail. I didn't like her antique furniture, but she used to tell me, "You'll see, you'll get a taste for it later, your eye will sharpen!" When she died, I salvaged a lot of things that I still have... and I like to mix all the styles, just as she predicted! In the end, it's the same for everyone; these things simply get passed on.


How would you describe the Lelaz studio's style?


I don't think we've managed to define it yet.


Because there isn't one particular style. We adapt. There are several criteria that come into play for each project, including the history of the site and the customer's specifications. Fabrics and stripes are a recurring theme.


I'm more into materials and minimalism.


We talk to each other a lot.


What did you want to create here in your apartment?


We arrived with nothing, really, nothing. I searched everything out online, on Leboncoin. Now we mix contemporary pieces like USM, pieces from furniture designer/producers and pieces from designer friends.


When we arrived here, we told ourselves that we'd stay in this apartment for a year before buying anything else.


That was four years ago (laughs).


We didn't do any work, just decoration.


And as I'm always into colours and patterns, I thought I'd give the white and wood decor a try - more 'southern'! But it's no use: I just can't do it. It doesn't matter, it's fine, it's just not me. We really like the apartment as it is, in the entrance hall, for example, it's a bit like being in Italy... It's true that in Nice, all those colourful Italian façades inspire and influence me.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, la chambre d'enfant
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, la chambre d'enfant
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, la chambre d'enfant
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, la chambre d'enfant
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, la chambre d'enfant
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, la chambre d'enfant
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, la chambre d'enfant
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, la chambre d'enfant
Studio-Lela raquette
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice


Can you tell me about one or two pieces here that you particularly like?


The item I'm most attached to is the photo in the living room of one of my childhood friends, Laure Tiberghien.


That'd have to be the coffee table in the living room! Erkan made it. He also made the tiled stool.


I found some legs on Leboncoin...


What would be your dream renovation?


A boat.


What's the latest news? 

Marion & Erkan

We've just completed a brasserie called "Les Mimosas" on Cours Saleya in Nice. We're currently working on a family villa in Biot, a hotel for the Accor group in Spain and a house in Le Perreux sur Marne.


What does The Socialite Family mean to you?


I've had a real affection for the magazine since it was first published.  I like the eclectic bias of the portraits, the notion of intimacy, opening the doors to people's homes without having to fit into style or fashion boxes for a magazine. The stories are both unique and friendly.


Do you have one or more favourite pieces in our collection?

Marin & Erkan

The Achille chair has perfect lines and proportions. And the timeless Carlotta coffee table with its pink marble top and iroko legs!


What are your go-to places in Nice?

Marion & Erkan

Fanfan et Loulou, La Cave des Copains, for natural wines, vinyl and good humour! Les Oeillets, at the bar in winter or on the terrace in summer, they welcome you as if you were visiting their home! And don't miss Barale for their ravioli and panisses, plus the team is so friendly. A few kilometres away is the Villa Kerylos in Beaulieu sur mer, an architectural gem inspired by ancient Greece.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

Placed on the coffee table in the living room,

blends discreetly into its colourful surroundings.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, le salon avec vue mer
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

Caravane pendant light in the master bedroom.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

In the entrance, a full-length Lipstick mirror by Roger Lecal and a painting by Lucas Le Roy.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

Placed on the coffee table in the living room,

blends discreetly into its colourful surroundings.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice, le salon avec vue mer
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

Caravane pendant light in the master bedroom.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice

In the entrance, a full-length Lipstick mirror by Roger Lecal and a painting by Lucas Le Roy.

Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice
Chez Marion Lepetit et Erkan Varer à Nice
L'immeuble niçois abritant l'appartement des cofondateurs du Studio Lelaz
L'immeuble niçois abritant l'appartement des cofondateurs du Studio Lelaz
L'immeuble niçois abritant l'appartement des cofondateurs du Studio Lelaz
L'immeuble niçois abritant l'appartement des cofondateurs du Studio Lelaz
L'immeuble niçois abritant l'appartement des cofondateurs du Studio Lelaz
L'immeuble niçois abritant l'appartement des cofondateurs du Studio Lelaz
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